Posts Tagged ‘Earth Day’

DIY Summer Spruce-Up


As my vacation comes to an end, I already feel the anxiety of getting back to a dusty home and the back-to-school craze.  I’ve been a student and a teacher practically my whole life, making September a  month of new beginnings for me. Now with a school aged child the end of Summer and beginning of Fall continues to be my New Year and Spring Cleaning rolled into one.  I like to call it time for my “Summer Spruce-Up.”

Last Fall I began experimenting with several different homemade cleaner recipes. After much trial and error I found that all you really need is water, baking soda, vinegar and your favorite essential oil for scent. So as you clean out those rooms and closets to prepare for a new school year and scrub those floors after a Summer of trekking in pool water and mud, consider making your own eco-friendly household cleaners. This step-by-step easy guide to making your own cleaners from will help save you money and protect your family and the environment from toxins and chemicals found in conventional cleaning brands.


Plastic-Free with PackSack

A few weeks ago I shared an infographic and my thoughts on the use of plastic bags. (To read: Click Here.) So when I learned about PackSack, I knew I had to check out and share. The PackSack is a reusable, eco-friendly bag that is great for anything from grocery shopping to day outings. The company just started up in San Diego, CA and is making big moves to encourage the ban of plastic bags that too often end up in our oceans.



I love my PackSack. It is made of durable material and holds a lot…up to 45 lbs! The best part is that it rolls up and scrunches into a convenient little pouch that you can fit into your pocket. You can easily store a few in your glove compartment, which sure beats remembering to bring along big totes or paper bags. They even have their own draw string, making it so easy to carry around and store….


The PackSack line comes in a variety of colors and is very inexpensive.  You can order them online or find a retailer near you by visiting their website: They make being green so easy and fun….I highly recommend them!

You can also get more info by checking out the PackSack YouTube channel, following them on Twitter, their Facebook page, Instagram and Pinterest.


Plastic-Free Bags



Lately I have been very conscientious of the plastic we use in our home, particularly plastic bags. Plastic grocery bags and sandwich-snack bags are some of the biggest culprits contributing to waste and putting our health, animals and planet in danger. Several stores in certain areas of the country have done away with plastic grocery bags. This effort alone is a good start and a strong statement, but it’s still not enough. I do my part to take reusable bags to the store and pack lunches, snacks and leftovers in reusable containers. There are many great alternatives now that make it convenient and cost effective for us all to do our part to minimize the use of plastic bags. This infographic from ECO SNACKBAG is an eye-opening breakdown of just how much of an impact you can really make by making the switch to eco-friendly options. Make every day Earth Day!

Plastic Waste Infographic

Going Green with Social Media

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I ran across this infographic from Recyclebank the other day while doing a little research and felt compelled to share. With so many people on social media today, it really is amazing to see that with just one small gesture we can help protect the environment in major ways. Who would think that pinning “green” ideas on Pinterest or shutting down Twitter for just one hour would have such a huge impact on the Earth? You can make everyday Earth Day by just practicing a few, or even one, of the following social media tips.


Control Your Roll in 2014

Every year for the past 6 or 7 years, one of my resolutions has been to incorporate more ways of being “green.” This year is no exception. With environmental awareness becoming a priority to many and even somewhat of a trend, you can now find a large variety of ways to help reduce your carbon footprint.  Through my blog I have been introduced to some great companies and products that make it easy to go green.  My latest discovery…


PicsArt_1388719259523When I was first contacted by the company, I couldn’t grasp how there could be a product that would help eliminate unnecessary paper waste, especially from toilet paper and paper towels. I just figured it is something we consciously had to do on our own. Well, as soon as I got my package of Control-n-Roll it all made sense.

Control-n-Roll acts as a brake to stop extra sheets of paper from unrolling. As pictured to the left, the package comes with two square-shaped tubes made out of a foamy sustainable material. You can easily slip them onto the toilet paper and paper towel bars, then slide the rolls of paper on top. They even come with 3 removable inner-cores to adjust the size and fitting as needed.  Such a simple but very effective concept.

I have been using Control-n-Roll in one bathroom and the kitchen for 2 weeks. I already notice a big difference. Every time I reach for a sheet, the automatic “brakes” keep me very conscious of how much paper I am using. My family and I have definitely noticed our rolls of paper lasting much longer than usual. This was extra appreciated during the holidays!  What’s best, before even using the product, I was able to see just how much I could expect to save. By inputting a couple of numbers into the Household Savings Calculator on the Control-n-Roll website, you will get a dollar amount of how much you will save in one year. Even better, you can see just how much you will help save the environment!  A Control-n-Roll set of two sells for just $3.96. Save money on your grocery bills and reduce your paper consumption by up to 50%…such a simple way for anyone to go green.

For more info on Control-n-Roll and how much you can save visit their WEBSITE


Follow them on FACEBOOK and TWITTER

Top Giveaway Blogs

Go Green with TreeSmart


At the end of August, as Summer vacation came to an end, I wrote the article “Top 10 Green Tips for Back-to-School“.  I wrote a similar article for the GreenDeals Go Green Blog, “Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for Back to School“.  Last month I even hosted a couple of giveaways and wrote an article on ways to green your child’s school lunch. (To read: Click Here.)  Since then I was introduced to a great line of products that I had to share with my readers.

TreeSmart makes recycled school and office supplies for the entire family. I received the supplies pictured above to sample and, have to say, my daughter and I just love them. Her favorite is the colored pencil kit that is easy to carry in her back pack and store in her desk. The pencils are made from 100% recycled rolled up newspapers!  I love the regular pencils which are also made out of recycled newspapers. Sharpening them is so much smoother and easier than than conventional brand pencils. I use them often in my own office. I really like the neat and simple newspaper print much better than the typical loud and distracting designs. The ruler we received is small enough to fit in my daughter’s pencil case and I really appreciate that it is made from recycled newspaper and plastic. The best part is knowing that I am protecting my daughter from any further exposure to toxic plastics and chemicals.

TreeSmart offers a variety of supplies, including: mechanical pencils, artist pencils, pencil cases, school supply boxes, deluxe sets, and more. Their prices are very reasonable. Best of all, TreeSmart offers custom imprinting and fundraiser programs. Remember, it is never too late to protect our planet by greening up your school and office.

Children’s Earth Book

IMG_20130706_135602My daughter’s love of reading and our green lifestyle often leads us to choose books about Earth and the environment. We were recently introduced to author Dawn Wynne and her children’s book Earth Remembers When.  I immediately connected with Dawn.  A school teacher, certified Health Coach, and green and organic living speaker and writer, we share a lot in common.

Dawn’s book, Earth Remembers When, is not the typical children’s book. It is filled with facts about the environment, written in rhyme verse and in a way that can be understood by young children. It is also beautifully illustrated by Gloria Pineiro. Earth Remembers When addresses a variety of topics related to ways in which the Earth is being endangered. From climate changes to pollution to endangered species, the author explains to children the importance of these issues and how many occur from human influence. Her comparisons of past and present in relation to the possible future really send out a strong message. She then also offers ways that we can all contribute to helping restore and protect our planet.

My 6 year old daughter asked me to share her opinion on Earth Remembers When….

She says, “I like that it rhymes and has pretty pictures. I like that the pages flip open and that you have to find the pictures of the hidden Earth on each page. I also like the crafts and recipes in the back. I can’t wait to make the mac and cheese.” 😉

Indeed, the clever way the author put the book together kept my daughter (and me!) very engaged. I really appreciated the practical tips she included on each page, which even the youngest of readers can understand and accomplish. Dawn also offers healthy recipes and eco-friendly activities in the book, on her website and her blog. They truly help reinforce the idea that children are an integral part of creating a planet with clean air, unpolluted oceans, and real food. No child is too young to make a difference.

If you are looking for environmental awareness books to add to your family’s library, we highly recommend Earth Remembers When by Dawn Wynne.

For more information about the Author and her work visit the following:

Home site ~

Blog ~

Facebook ~

Twitter ~

Earth Remembers When
Earth Remembers When
by Dawn Wynne
Edition: Hardcover

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Lesson on Protecting the Earth, July 6, 2013

By Daniella M Puccini on July 6, 2013

This review is from: Earth Remembers When (Hardcover)

Dawn Wynne’s book “Earth Remembers When” is filled with facts about the environment, written in rhyme and in a way that can be understood by young children. It is also beautifully illustrated. The book addresses a variety of topics related to ways in which the Earth is being endangered. From climate changes to pollution to endangered species, the author explains to children the importance of these issues and how many occur from human influence. Her comparisons of past and present in relation to the possible future really send out a strong message. She then also offers ways that we can all contribute to helping restore and protect our planet. My 6 year old daughter says, “I like that it rhymes and has pretty pictures. I like that the pages flip open and that you have to find the pictures of the hidden Earth on each page. I also like the crafts and recipes in the back. I can’t wait to make the mac and cheese.” Indeed, the clever way the author put the book together kept my daughter (and me!) very engaged. If you are looking for environmental awareness books to add to your family’s library, or perhaps cover a lesson on the importance of protecting our Earth, I highly recommend “Earth Remembers When” by Dawn Wynne.

Green Up Your Furniture

Going Green with Furnishing

Last month I posted an article on ways to go green when moving into a new home. (Click here to read post.) This month, let’s take it a step further…

Going Green with Furnishing

 Some people obsess over furniture and decorating their homes, while others are content with a comfy couch. Regardless of your inner interior designer, the choices you make regarding furniture in the office or your home will have an impact on the planet, your health and local environment. The need for sustainability in today’s environment means a whole new set of options and designs to choose from. Here you will find some basic ideas and tips to help guide your search for green furnishings, rather than relying on a single company or designer.

Sustainable Wood

Whether you want to work with furniture made of wood, metal, cloth or plastic, there are always other earth-friendly opportunities to do just that. It is important to know where your product is coming from. Since the world is already in need of more trees, the practice of deforestation leads to some very bad results, such as erosion and reduced oxygen production in affected areas. One thing we are taught at school is that trees do an excellent job at absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, keeping the surface of our planet cool and under control. There are other ways to collect sustainable wood. Many places already work with reclaimed wood from forests being treated in sustainable ways. If furniture is made from such sources, this only means your home will have a lesser impact on nature than it could otherwise. Whatever it is, if you know the origin of your furniture’s wooden material, you should avoid ones where massive forests are being harvested for wood.

Reclaimed Materials

If wood has been looked after, it may last for a very long time. You should make use of the wood already out there in the world, instead of cutting down new trees. Many designers working with such materials nowadays are considering doing exactly that. Reclaimed wood and materials are often taken from old furniture and houses or other objects built from them. In many other cases flawed wood can be used for a number of projects and tasks, taking scraps from factories or everyday objects. While a lot of reclaimed wood may come from riverbed logs and fallen trees, much of it is used due to its efficiency. You don’t have to cut it down, destroying a forest in the process, which makes it a great choice. However it is something often in short supply due to the process in how it is acquired.

Using Bamboo

You may know at this point that bamboo is a hard, resilient grass rather than a tree. Bamboo may vary in size from small to truly large. It ranges in color, from a soft lime green to an interesting maroon. It is versatile enough to have become a poster boy for environmental design and building. Bamboo may even be flattened into the floor, molded into furniture pieces or made into window blinds. You can literally build an entire house out of just bamboo. Using it in buildings is becoming more and more popular. Most of the bamboo in the world originates in China, grown with almost no pesticides whatsoever. It grows very fast, therefore making it easy to maintain in larger bamboo forests. A lot of water has to be used to maintain its growth, which may make it a bit difficult for some people and countries around the world. Harvesting it too fast tends to deplete and use up the minerals in the soil. However, with well thought out practices and proper techniques, bamboo is an excellent material to use.

These are just a few examples of other options that can be considered and used in greening your furniture and home. As technologies evolve and adapt to new trends we will undoubtedly see more and more materials that help us reduce our carbon footprint and offer safe and nature-friendly alternatives to traditional ones.

~This article was written on behalf of Removals Man and Van
ECM-badge-blogger (1)

Green Up Your Move

How to Organize a Green Move

Moving requires fuel, packing materials and other things which have an impact on the local environment. The boxes used, as well as the packing paper and other materials, often end up in the trash. In the next month, several college students will be packing up their stuff and moving back home, to a place of their own, or a new dorm room. Many families purchase their first homes during Spring and Summer. Knowing how to move while at the same time finding ways to limit your waste footstep will require some planning, but is not difficult and well worth it. After all, you will be able to save a decent amount of money in the process with the added benefit of helping your local environment. Follow these easy tips to achieve just that:

How to Organize a Green Move

Use reusable containers

First of all, you should consider borrowing, renting or purchasing plastic containers for your belongings. Although they are made of petroleum products, they are far more reusable than the cardboard most often used. You can keep them around for much longer, allowing you to lower the amount of waste you produce during the moving process. Cardboard boxes usually require tape, which is made of materials that take a long time to completely decompose. Purchasing a set of plastic containers which stack into each other for storage purposes will allow you to keep them organized and under control with ease. This will reduce the boxes you’d need to buy otherwise. If you don’t feel like buying plastic boxes you can always find companies that rent them out for a small fee.

Use recycled moving supplies

As a way to save money and to lessen the impact on the environment, you can save cardboard boxes for your future needs. Whenever you go shopping you should safeguard as many boxes as you can, putting them in storage for later use. Some boxes are more useful than others, such as wine or liquor boxes. They already have compartments as part of their structure, serving as an excellent way of storing glasses and other smaller objects. Fragile items are easy to store within them because of their sturdy material. Check your local stores and ask the owners and supervisors if they can give you any boxes or if you may buy them if needed.

Use online sources to find materials

There are many sources online where you can find information regarding boxes and other packing materials at affordable prices. Classifieds websites (i.e. Craigslist) are a great way to contact people willing to sell or even donate boxes and other packing supplies. You may find listings in your area which fit your requirements, but if you’re not so lucky there are always many alternate ways of going about it.

Downsizing your possessions

When you move all your belongings you will have quite a lot on your hands. The more stuff you move, the more expensive it will be. It will also lead to higher expenditure of fuel and resources. The more resources used, the higher the impact on the natural world around you. It can lead to more pollution and a higher carbon footprint. If you want to lower that impact, one of the things you can do is downsize everything you own to a more manageable amount. Donating to charities and other organizations, even thrift stores, can bring many benefits, including a tax break. While helping protect the environment, you will be helping someone else along the way, letting them enjoy something they may have been looking for for a long time.

~This article was written on behalf of Removals Office.

Funkins Green Giveaway


I think many of us can probably admit that we’re not as Eco-friendly as we should be all of the time. My family’s downfall has been in using paper towels as napkins. I’ve kept some nice cloth red napkins on my table since Christmas 2011 but no one ever seems to want to use them. I’ve tried not having paper towels available at all, but it created a bit of chaos in our household. 

Enter Funkins reusable cloth napkins. Not only have they helped my family reduce our use of paper towels/napkins, but they make it fun. My daughter loves her cute Funkin napkin with butterflies on it and she keeps it at her table setting all of the time. (I need to invest in a few others so I don’t have to wash as often.) Funkins are lead free and made with 100% cotton and low impact dyes. The colorful designs are very appealing to kids, but my husband has even been using his sports themed Funkin!

Paper towels are recyclable, but most of the time they get soiled so badly that people toss them in the trash and they end up in our landfills. By investing in some reusable cloth napkins you can help avoid this. More importantly, you are helping to reduce the number of trees that are being cut down and preserve nature.

Funkins have so many uses too…place mats, handkerchiefs, decorative cloths, burp cloth, gifts for a teacher or friend, put them in your child’s lunch box or give to them to use as baby doll’s blanket. 😉 Their uses are endless.  Funkins were even noted as one of the “Hottest Must-Haves for Celebrity Children in 2013.”

I am happy to announce that Funkins has offered to send one lucky reader 3 Funkins napkins of your choice!  For more info about Funkins and to check out all of their colorful and cute designs visit the Funkins Website.


Rafflecopter entry is easy. Participants must be at least 18 years of age and residents of the U.S.A. Contest ends Friday, May 10th at 11:59pm (est). All entries will be verified. Winner will be randomly selected and contacted via email within 24 hours. If winner cannot be reached within 48 hours a new winner will be selected. Good luck!

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