May Eco-Box for Moms

PicsArt_1369539184196When I opened up my Ecocentric Mom Discovery Box for Moms this month, I could not believe the goodies I got. The month of May definitely takes the cake so far….and here I thought the last couple of months would be hard to beat. The first thing to catch my eye….a full size bar of organic dark chocolate…bliss!!! If the May Mom Box products don’t convince you to sign up for your very own monthly subscription of awesome surprises, not sure what else will. Can’t wait for June…my birthday month!

Here’s the breakdown of the Mom Discovery Box for May from Ecocentric Mom:

Kallari Chocolate ~ This gourmet chocolate is not only organic and delicious, but helps to preserve the rainforests and protect the Kichwa culture. A full size bar sells for $5.95.

Orgain ~ The world’s first certified organic nutritional shake is a great way to get a healthy meal on-the-go. I have had the vanilla shake before and enjoyed it very much. It was great to be able to try the chocolate-flavored shake this time. Great after a workout. A single carton typically sells for $3.69. I also received a 40% off online coupon.

Gnu Bar ~ Another healthy snack I’ve tried before. Love these bars! They are high in fiber and low in calories. The chocolate brownie bar is so yummy. They are soft and chewy and made with organic and healthy ingredients. One bar typically sells for $1.99.

Fisika Soap ~ I received a sample of the coffee-vanilla soap. It smells so good and leaves my hands feeling soft. Fisika is Greek for “natural,” an appropriate name since it is made with natural ingredients, including organic olive oil and coconut oil. A sample-size bar goes for $2.22. I received a 10% off online coupon, as well.

Pura Botanica’s Rose Retreat Botanic Bath Infusion ~ I could smell these bath crystals as soon as I opened my box. The infusions are made with organic ingredients and are three-in-one bath therapies. Restorative mineral sea salts, fragrant essential oils, and curative herbs and flowers made for a spa-like, all-natural, destressing bath right in my own tub. Loved the smell of roses. A single botanic bath infusion sells for $10. I also received a “buy 1 get 1 free” online coupon.

Purely You Minerals Satin Plum Eye-Shadow ~ Back in March I took advantage of an Ecocentric Mom coupon I received for another mineral make-up company and got a lipstick I love. Well, this time I received a mineral eyeshadow I love. The plum shade is exactly what I typically use. The small size I received sells for $1.50. I am going to have to place an order and take advantage of the free lip gloss with $20 purchase offer.

Elma & Sana Argan Oil Peppermint Lip Balm ~ I am very excited about this product. Argan Oil is the latest craze and Elma & Sana sells Pure Organic Argan Oil. They use this same oil in their skin and hair care products. Argan Oil is known for having very high levels of Vitamin E and fatty acids. This provides anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and healing properties, among other benefits. The oil comes directly from Moroccan Women Cooperatives and supports women in business in Moroccan Villages where Argan trees grow. The lip balm sells for $4.99. I also received a 20% off online coupon.

doTerra Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Lemon Essential Oil ~ Essential oils have so many benefits and can be used for so many different reasons. The lemon essential oil sample I received has a great citrus smell that can be used to uplift your mood. It can also be used as a cleaner for the home, topical and internal cleanser, and can even soothe a sore throat. The oils generally sell for $13.33 per 15ml. When you sign up as a “preferred member” on the doTerra website you can always receive 20% off your order.

CocoPlum Soothe Spray ~Great discovery. This spray is made with organic green tea, pure aloe vera and a special blend of essential oils. It acts as a first aid kit in helping soothe skin from  sunburns, blemishes, rashes, itching and even stress. I’m sure it will come in handy this hot Summer season. I’m already carrying the sample in my purse. A 4oz full-sized bottle sells for $14. I also received a $5 off online coupon.

Branch Basics ~ Another great spray I am now carrying in my purse. Branch Basics is an all-purpose soap concentrate made from pure, food-grade ingredients. It is perfectly safe and non-toxic for all. It can be used to clean anything and everything, from household items to baby’s gentle skin. This product can basically replace all of your cleaning products and save you so much money, as well as help protect the environment. I received a pre-diluted 2 oz sample which sells for $3.75. I plan to use it on-the-go for those moments you need a quick hand cleaning and there’s no sink. It also works as a stain remover, produce cleaner and disinfectant for scrapes and cuts. The uses are endless. I will definitely be using my 15% off online discount.

Derma H2O Water Wipes ~ I am a huge wipey fan. They come in handy for so many things. The problem is most contain toxic chemicals, dyes and perfumes. It was very reassuring to find this pack of 10 Water Wipes…preservative-free, allergy friendly, made simply with 99.9% water and .1% grapefruit seed extract. This could very well be the safest, purest, gentlest wipe there is. Instant fan. The sample pack came with a 20% online promotion code.

OraMD ~ Another great surprise. Ironically, I have been using this product for the last few weeks. It is a 100% all-natural liquid toothpaste that offers so many benefits and is a better alternative to conventional toothpastes. A single bottle sells for $22.97 and lasts you a very long time. I also received a 15% off and free shipping online coupon. I am due to review this product on my blog in the next week and host a giveaway….so stay tuned! and ~ Coupon for $5 off your first order. Yet another coincidence…I was recently asked to join the blogger team for the Green Deals Blog! This is a great site for those who like to shop online. You can find just about anything you need or want to support your green, organic and healthy lifestyle. ~ $15 Gift Certificate. I’m looking forward to shopping for some organic, eco-friendly clothing on this site real soon.

Get your own Discovery Box from Ecocentric Mom…sign-up today!

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  1. […] May Eco-Box for Moms ( […]


  2. […] Wipes All-Natural Baby Wipes ~ This is the second time I receive Water Wipes in my Ecocentric Mom Box…but I’m not complaining! In fact, they […]


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