Posts Tagged ‘Chemical substance’

DIY Green Cleaning

DIY Organic Green Cleaning Agents

DIY Organic Green Cleaning Agents 

 Once the long winter is over, we face the time of spring cleaning. The need for cleaning products offering environmentally-friendly solutions is on the rise, thanks to the inherent toxicity of the arsenal of products we have available on the market. Most of them are filled with slowly-degrading  agents, corrosive chemicals and worse. Some of these chemicals may produce fumes that irritate the eyes and lungs of those working with them, while in some extreme cases allergies and asthma may lead to even worse problems. Pets and children are exposed to the highest risk when we use such chemicals. Many of these cleaners also possess antibacterial properties, which sometimes drive bacteria into a forced evolution, rapidly mutating and becoming more resistant to their use. There is a workaround however, as you can make your very own cleaning materials with cheap and commonly found items. The following tips will help you focus on cleaning some areas with these products. We begin with the following:

  •  Cleaning porcelain and tiles

Use baking soda and water, by dusting the surfaces needing cleaning with the soda, then scrubbing them down with a sponge or a cloth soaked in water. You can sprinkle on some salt if you’re having difficulties for added effect. It will take some work, but you can get the job done. Vinegar and lemon juice can work very well at breaking down grease or mildew by letting them work for some time before cleaning the spot. Water, liquid soap and some tea tree oil can serve as a disinfectant quite easily, eliminating the need to use bleach or other harsh, toxic chemicals to kill bacteria on surfaces.

  •  Cleaning kitchen counters

As this is one of the most important rooms around a home, where food is stored, prepared and sometimes enjoyed, it means it requires us to keep it clean at all times. Any spills, crumbs or splatters can be a big drive-in sign for bacteria. You can clean up your counters by once again using baking soda and scrubbing them with a sponge or cloth. This works best for cutting boards, sinks made of stainless steel, refrigerators, containers and so on. For a tough abrasive substance, salt can be used the same way, offering a little more strength to the scrubbing. Using a disinfectant of tea tree oil is also great for your kitchen. You can also use white vinegar, as it kills the majority of the harmful bacteria collecting on a surface.

  •  Cleaning windows and mirrors

Windows are always an interesting subject, as streaks are often left behind when we clean with the wrong products. You don’t really need commercial chemicals to get the job done however, so simply concentrate on easier solutions. White vinegar and water can be used to scrub down windows, using a newspaper. Two tablespoons of vinegar in about a gallon (2 liters or so) will get the job done, especially if you use a spray bottle. Paper towels can cause streaking, so you should stick to newspapers instead. Lemon juice can be used with the same success, as well as club soda.

  •  Cleaning rugs and carpets

Keeping your home’s carpets might be a difficult task, especially after rains or the winter season when we track mud and salt inside our homes. So how can we deal with the problem? Well one way is beating them the good, old-fashioned way with a broom or a beater. Dust, hair and other pollutants will be expelled by the motions, letting you use the carpets without washing them. Something else you can do is to use club soda in the cleaning process. Although that may sound a bit weird, in reality it works quite well. Dusting off the solid dirt and other contaminants off the surface is the first step, followed by pouring the club soda on top. The carbonation process will lift the stains to the surface, allowing you to clean them up easily.

~This article has been written on behalf of Cleaning BR1